Bright Ideas | Practical Stuff

One-on-one time with your baby
Play with your baby between 4.30 and 5 in the afternoons, just before his bath time. Movement games such as rolling, pulling and swinging will tire him out and get him ready for sleep. Which is not a bad thing!

Protect those knees
Cut off the toes of a pair of your socks and pull the socks over your baby's knees to protect his knees and clothes when he starts crawling. Another good idea is to use slip-proof socks.

Celebrate your pregnancy
Spoil yourself by going for a pregnancy massage - make sure the spa has a pregnancy specialist. Another way of celebrating your pregnancy is by doing a pregnancy photo shoot once your bump is big enough to show off!

Nifty way of picking up small pieces of glass
If someone accidently broke your favourite vase or dish, your first thought would be the time-out corner. Your second thought would be that of little bare feet getting cut. Use cotton wool to collect all the small pieces of glass that is difficult to vacuum/sweep up.

Involve your toddler
Involve your toddler in household chores like washing the dishes, folding the washing, sweeping, gardening etc. Not only does it keep them busy but they love helping and it teaches them a sense of responsibility.

Frozen apples to soothe sore gums
A piece of frozen apple will come in very handy when your baby is teething. Not only is it nutritious, but the cold will numb those sore gums and bring some relief. Very important: Never leave your baby alone when you're giving him something to chew on.

Road Safety
The moment your child learns to walk, teach her to wait for you by placing her hand on the outside of the car door until you are ready to take her hand. This way you never have to worry about her running into the road.

Handy Extra's
Always keep a few nappies, a pack of wet wipes, bum cream and disposable nappy bags in your car for those unforseen situations that will, with no doubt, pop up.

Healthy Snack Packs
Keep some healthy snack packs around the house, in the car and in your handbag. This is a great idea if you have an older baby or toddler that is always looking for a treat and comes in very handy when mom's hungry. Use provita's, raisins, nuts (not for young babies), rice cakes, pretzels, dried fruit etc.

Runny Nose
If your little one has a cold and his nose has been wiped just once too many, revert to Plan B. Dry out some wet wipes and use them instead of tissues - they are much softer, especially if your little darling needs some TLC!