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Week 7 of pregnancy | First Trimester

(counting from the first day of last menstrual period)

Week 7 of your pregnancy sees plenty more morning sickness and fatigue. But there is good reason for this, as your baby is growing in leaps and bounds. Let’s take a closer look…

This is the period of time when your surging pregnancy hormones may very well result in your skin becoming extra oily and more prone to breakouts. Yes, you read correctly… pimples! These hormones may also result in making your hair thicker and more lustrous, or in some cases; the complete opposite. You might also find that the increasing size of your uterus, as well as the increased amount of fluid produced by your kidneys, results in your needing to urinate more often.


This week your baby starts to develop hands and feet, although they look more like paddles at this point. The foetus is also growing very fast – he or she is about 9mm CR (Crown to Rump). The genital tubercle is present, but it is still not possible to distinguish girls from boys. Right now, although you wouldn’t be able to hear it, your baby’s heart is beating at about 150 beats per minute – approximately double the speed of yours. Facial features and the major muscle system in your baby’s body also continue to develop. Lastly, in Week 7, your baby begins to develop its own blood type.

At this point in the pregnancy you may feel a little uncertain about the prospect of sex. There are many men who feel uncomfortable at the thought of having sex with their partners during pregnancy, so you’re not alone. Rest assured that it is perfectly safe, and you may actually find that your partner’s libido increases as the pregnancy progresses. We take it that smile means that you like this?

The fatigue of pregnancy may also be getting your partner down right now, so perhaps consider trying to alleviate the problem by taking on some of her responsibilities around the house – such as fixing dinner for the family or, if you have other children, try to get them bathed and ready for bed so that your partner can put her feet up for half an hour. She will so love you for this!

Moms-to-be, if you’ve managed to keep your eyes open long enough to read this whole article, well done! Don’t overdo it this week. Next week we’re in for fun and games when your baby’s ovaries or testes begin to form. Until then, sleep tight!

Tip of the Week | be encouraged

Avoid hot baths, steam rooms and saunas during your pregnancy.

Baby Quote of the Week | be inspired

A baby is sunshine, moonbeams and giggles, it will brighten your world as never before. Unknown

Good Reads | be informed

A Mother's Sense of Calm by Megan Faure. There is nothing a gratifying as a content drowsy baby drifting off to peaceful sleep. Equally, nothing is as disconcerting as a crying babe. When it comes to soothing troubled infants, Mums know best. Baby Sense brings you “A mother’s sense of calm”: tried and tested solutions for soothing fractious babies.


Baby Names we Like | be prepared


