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Week 25 of pregnancy | Second Trimester

(counting from the first day of last menstrual period)

Welcome to Week 25 of your pregnancy. This week Mom might be experiencing some discomfort on several fronts, while Dad is in for another treat… Baby is having quite a busy week as well!

Being 25 weeks into your pregnancy, your uterus is now about the size of a soccer ball. This considerable size can account for the intermittent shooting pains that you may be experiencing in your legs, as well as lower back pain – as the growing uterus puts pressure on your pelvis and back.  Fortunately this pain can be alleviated by resting, changing position or stretching out in a warm bath. You might also now be experiencing a strange urge to clean and to arrange your baby’s nursery. This is known as the “nesting” period, and is perfectly normal – so don’t be alarmed. Use this time productively and get your baby’s bedroom ready for the imminent arrival.  Just remember not to do heavy lifting – your partner will be happy to help with this. Also remember to rest if you feel tired.

This week the structures of your baby’s spine begin to form. These include 33 rings, 150 joints and 1000 ligaments – no small task! The blood vessels in the lungs will also develop in Week 25, and your baby has by now enough control over his or her hands to make a tiny fist.

During your partner’s nesting period, you may very well be asked to help lug cribs and a host of other paraphernalia from A to B and back again. Try to be as patient with her as you can, and help as much as possible. It’s not advisable for pregnant women to do too much heavy lifting, so now is the time for you to flex those muscles!

A treat for you this week might come in the form of being able to hear your baby’s heartbeat by simply putting an ear to your partner’s belly. This is not 100% guaranteed, so listen really carefully and have quite a bit of patience.

That’s it for Week 25 of your pregnancy. Next week we’ll introduce you to some games that you and Baby can play while he or she is still in the womb.

Tip of the Week | be encouraged

Go for a preggy photo shoot or have a friend take some photos of your bump.

Baby Quote of the Week | be inspired

I cough, therefore I pee... Pink Tomato

Good Reads | be informed

Love in a Lunchbox: Tales of a Modern Mum by Susannah Mac. Should I be checking my baby's breathing every 12 minutes? Does their lunch include all the key food groups? Could that temperature be meningitis? This title is a collection of wisdom, jokes and quotes for stressed-out mums. It helps mothers to embrace and celebrate the chaos of motherhood.


Baby Names we Like | be prepared


