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Week 34 of pregnancy | Third Trimester

(counting from the first day of last menstrual period)

Time flies and you’ve only got six weeks to go! In Week 34 we’ll discuss finding a paediatrician as well as Baby’s big move down south in order to get ready for delivery.


By Week 34 you need to take time out and start getting as much rest as possible, as in a few weeks’ time your baby will have arrived and you’ll have no time to yourself.

Relaxation and toning exercises are important factors to focus on in order to prepare your body for birth. Another way of preparing yourself for labour is by doing a perineal massage daily. This can increase your chance of not tearing at birth, and is most comfortable practiced while in the shower.

The hormones from the placenta are by now starting to activate the milk in your breasts. If you are planning to breastfeed, start reading up about it and perhaps look for support groups in your area.

Braxton Hicks contractions you might have felt over the last couple of weeks might intensify from Week 34 and onwards – a good sign that your body is preparing itself for the real thing.



In Week 34 your baby starts making the big move towards your pelvis, which means you will more than likely feel a weight shift and waddle rather extensively. Don’t be alarmed though, you’ll walk normally again soon after the birth.

Your baby now weighs about 2200 grams and is approximately 33 cm in length. Although not quite fully formed, your little bundle’s liver is now capable of processing a certain amount of waste.

By now your baby will also respond as a newborn – with eyes wide open while awake and closed while sleeping. Sharp fingernails have also formed on each of his or hers ten little fingers, so you will probably have to clip them a few days after birth.


Bear in mind that your partner is feeling extremely huge, fat, clumsy and moody by now, so try to support her by telling her how beautiful she looks as often as you can. Make her feel special and keep reminding her that she is going to be a great mum.

If you and your partner still have to choose a paediatrician, now is the time to start researching who’s available in your area and perhaps interviewing a few of them in order to find one that you are comfortable and happy with.

That’s it for Week 34… Next week we’ll look into Mom’s increased insomnia and Dad’s “kicking game”. Until then, stay calm and keep telling each other what great parents you are going to be!

Tip of the Week | be encouraged

You don’t need everything the books suggest you buy – apply logic. A baby needs food, a clean nappy, a quiet and safe environment and lots of love!

Baby Quote of the Week | be inspired

Before you were conceived I wanted you Before you were born I loved you Before you were here an hour I would die for you This is the miracle of Mother's Love. Maureen Hawkins

Good Reads | be informed

The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips, and Advice for Dads-To-Be by Armin A. Brott and Jennifer Ash. Revised and expanded for the second edition, this text provides an action-packed, month-by-month guide to all the emotional, financial and even physical changes a father-to-be may experience during the course of his partner's pregnancy.


Baby Names we Like | be prepared


