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Week 38 of pregnancy | Third Trimester

(counting from the first day of last menstrual period)

Welcome to Week 38 of your pregnancy! Let’s take a look at how to carry on tackling the waiting game by getting some rest and cooking up a storm.


In Week 38 you might start feeling electrical buzzes inside your vagina and down your legs. Don’t be alarmed, however, as this is perfectly normal and simply caused by the baby hitting nerves as he or she settles into your pelvis.

If you are still battling to sleep at night, try to compensate by having lots of catnaps during the day. It’s absolutely crucial to get as much rest as you possibly can before your baby’s arrival!

By now false labour contractions – mostly felt in your back, pelvis and lower abdomen – can be very painful. However true labour contractions are even more painful and start at the top of your uterus, continuing though to your lower abdomen and pelvis.

Another thing to look out for in Week 38 is colostrum – a white/yellow leakage from your breasts. Your body is now getting ready to feed your baby in case he or she comes early – your breastmilk will have additional protein and antibodies ready for your newborn’s essential needs.

Your baby’s intestines are accumulating a lot of meconium – the little one’s first bowel movement.
He or she has just about reached birth weight by Week 38, and the circumference of your baby’s head and abdomen are about the same size.
Your little one is about as eager as you to come out now, so just try to be patient and know it will happen any day.

It’s important that you are there for your partner now that the birth of your baby is around the corner. Even though you obviously can’t bear the brunt of pregnancy physically, you can help your partner lighten the load significantly.

Consider cooking a few meals together and sticking them in the freezer – which means that by the time your baby has arrived you don’t have to worry about making dinner for at least a couple of weeks.

You should also start thinking about how involved you want to be at birth. Some men only watch and hold their partner’s hand, while others like to help catching the baby and even cutting the cord.

Week 38 of your pregnancy has come to an end. Next week we’ll remind you of important little things worth taking to the hospital. Until then, be patient!

Tip of the Week | be encouraged

Meet the paediatrician of your choice before the birth of your baby. This will give you peace of mind during labour, knowing that your baby is in good hands.

Baby Quote of the Week | be inspired

A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. Anonymous

Good Reads | be informed

Not a book, but a DVD Parenting Seminar. Your Child: Essentials of Discipline by Focus on the Family. For over 25 years, Focus on the Family has been offering Bible-based insights to parents. Introducing Your Child Video Seminar, a comprehensive DVD series that tackles topics vital to 21stcentury parents. Essentials of Discipline is first in this new series that offers advice every family can apply. Now with the Home Edition, parents can experience these dvds at their own pace, in the comfort of their own home. As they view and discuss the Essentials of Discipline, parents will gain the practical understanding they need to feel confident in their ability to handle discipline in a positive way.


Baby Names we Like | be prepared


