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Week 4 of pregnancy | First Trimester

(counting from the first day of last menstrual period)

The fourth week arrives and with it comes confirmation of the new life you have created. A pregnancy test can be performed as early as the first day of your missed period, so take a trip to the pharmacy and buy a test or ten – just to be absolutely certain, of course!

Your body is now completely aware of what’s happening inside your uterus. A urine pregnancy test – measuring the level of the pregnancy hormone known as hCG – will test positive in the majority of cases.

Other symptoms of pregnancy that you may be experiencing by now include feelings of fatigue, mood swings, frequent urination and tender or even swollen breasts. These are all just possible symptoms, so don’t be alarmed if you aren’t experiencing any just yet. The first trimester of your pregnancy is the most critical in the formation of your baby, which is why you should avoid exposure to environmental hazards such as alcohol, smoke and narcotics. Start a healthy eating plan and switch to an exercise program specifically developed for pregnant women. Continue taking vitamin supplements such as Folic Acid and Iron.

This week in your baby’s development marks the chorionic villi becoming fully formed. The chorionic villi are the sprouts from the chorion – one of the membranes that exist between the foetus and the mother but not part of the placenta – which give a maximum contact area between the maternal and foetal blood during pregnancy. At this stage, a transvaginal ultrasound should reveal a gestational sac. This yolk sac will help to feed your baby until the placenta is fully functional.

The following image is courtesy of


Your main job this week will no doubt be taking a trip to the local pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test… perhaps even a couple! Just a tip: We know that you men are not as emotional as we are but you need to make a huge whoohhaa about this, she will be watching your every move while delivering this wonderful news!

Congratulations Mom and Dad, you’re pregnant! Next week one of your baby’s biggest milestones will take place as the heart begins to beat…

Infant Massage by Vimala McClure. In this completely updated version of her renowned classic, Vimala McClure, founder of the International Association of Infant Massage, helps you master the techniques of infant massage so you can incorporate this joyful and wonderful healing art into your baby’s life.

Tip of the Week | be encouraged

Keep a pregnancy journal. It's a great way to document your experiences through the 40 weeks of pregnancy and also makes for a sentimental piece that you can read again in the years to come.

Baby Quote of the Week | be inspired

A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them. Victor Hugo

Baby Names we Like | be prepared


