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Week 14 of pregnancy | Second Trimester

(counting from the first day of last menstrual period)

Week 14 of your pregnancy is here. By now you’ll have shared the good news with all those around you, which means you are free to discuss the growth of both Mom and Baby with everyone willing to listen. Here’s what’s happening this week…

The human body is an amazing thing – wondrous in its ability to create another human life. In creating this new life, your body needs to undergo some noticeable changes. Your breasts should have grown in size by now and the areolas (the darker area around the nipple) should have become much darker and increased in size as well – in preparation for breastfeeding. Another change is the appearance of a dark line, known as a linea negra, from the pubic bone to the belly button. This line is caused by pregnancy hormones, but will in most cases disappear a few months after your baby has been born.


This week sees your baby’s bladder begin to function. Believe it or not, your baby actually starts to urinate into the amniotic fluid. Don’t be perturbed though, as amniotic fluid regenerates itself every three to four hours. Your baby also practices his or her breathing capabilities by “breathing” the amniotic fluid in and out of his or her lungs.

The little one weighs approximately 40 grams and measures around 11.5 centimetres in length. Your baby might also start to suck his or her thumb at this stage.

Something that is a given is maternity leave. But have you enquired whether the company you work for offers paternity leave? Whether it is paid or unpaid leave, find out if your employer has made provision for that special time when your partner and new baby come home for the first time and need all the help and support they can get.

That’s it for Week 14 of your pregnancy. Next week we look at tests you might like to have as well as the amazing organ that is the heart in both Mom and Baby. Until then, happy growing!

Tip of the Week | be encouraged

If you are employed, do research on the maternity policy of the company that you work for. Do they offer paid or unpaid maternity leave? How many months do they offer maternity leave for?

Baby Quote of the Week | be inspired

Birth is not only about making babies. It's about making mothers; strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and believe in their inner strength. Barbara Katz Rothman

Good Reads | be informed

Pregnancy Week by Week by Dr Carol Cooper. This title offers a wealth of information for pregnant women covering each of the 40 weeks of gestation. Dr Carol Cooper describes what happens to mother and baby week by week in pregnancy.


Baby Names we Like | be prepared


