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Is sex safe during pregnancy?
Get the go-ahead
If your gynae gave you his stamp of approval there is absolutely no reason why you and your partner cannot enjoy a healthy sex life. If your gynae says “no sex”, find out exactly what that means. Does that mean no intercourse or does that mean no orgasms?
No interest during the 1st trimester
There might not be much interest from your side during the first trimester due to tiredness, nausea, etc. Sit down and explain this to your partner: Ask him to be sensitive to the physical changes that are taking place in your body and encourage him that things will improve as you approach the 2nd trimester. Most women actually enjoy sex much more during pregnancy due to an increased blood flow to the pelvic area.
Is it really safe?
Your baby cannot be hurt through intercourse. The strong muscles of the uterus and the amniotic sac will protect your baby while the mucus plug sealing the cervix will prevent infection.
History of premature labour
Sex releases the hormone oxytocin into your bloodstream, which assists your cervix in getting ready for labour and can trigger off contractions in late pregnancy – not something you want to encourage prematurely. Semen, being rich in the natural prostaglandins, helps the uterus to contract and can also bring on labour. Although this is all perfectly safe during pregnancy, your doctor might suggest that you avoid sex during the last trimester if you have a history of premature labour.
Comfortable sex
It is not advisable to spend too much time on your back while pregnant; it’s not good for the baby. Be creative and experiment with other positions. Take a gentle approach later on in pregnancy as love making might become uncomfortable. If intercourse isn’t working for you closer to the end, find other ways of pleasing one another. Intimacy does not necessarily mean intercourse. Anything goes, as long as you practice safe sex!